Best e-commerce platform for bakeries in Norway. Together with Cake it easy we created a simple to install web solution. Any bakery can install it in seconds.
Cake it easy started as a marketplace solution, while today we orient on building the best platform for bakeries to sell everything from bread to cakes.
years in progress
cakes sold
project to 10
BizBot is a great platform for entrepreneurs and investors, accountants, startups and incubators. It connects and makes management way easier.
We have been working on BizBot for many years with a great interest. It is a challenging project in terms of development, and this makes us more curious when choosing the right solutions, technologies and while making project related decisions.
3+ years
of cooperation
178 companies
using the platform
3616 potential
platform using companies

Altovita” is a UK, London based startup founded by Vivi and Karolina in 2016. It was full of ambitions and now it looks like we've found the niche and are doing great. We work in many directions at the same moment of time: from supply acquisition to marketing and customer support. It’s not the same small company it was. Devhouse is proud to be a part of this.
We started working with Altovita a few years ago. At that time it was a different project. Our CEO Igor joined the project as CTO and helped to move it from WordPress based project oriented into a private travelling/booking engine into quite a complex solution with many integrations and new kinds of customers: Business Travellers/Rellocators.
Over 5
projects in progress
3 pivots
over the time
team growth
We started partnership with Filmgrail many years ago and it’s awesome partner to work with.
We have already built 10+ projects together.
Smarttakst is quite an innovative approach to handle reports.
Instead of doing a lot of paperwork, we went differently: we helped Krister and the team to build iOS, Android apps which could make life of property inspectors. The project is not publicly released yet and is primarily used by ambassadors who already generated 700+ reports and are happy about the solution.
reported done
users on beta is a great place for the artists to meet, become widely known and sell their artworks. “Enter” is expanding its spheres providing more opportunities to more creative people.
During the short period of time this project became bigger and now it includes various platforms. Our business partner: Filmgrail
From 1
project to 4
Cultpix is а new global film streaming service for vintage cult films
We started working with Cultpix team in the middle of summer, 2020. We planned to make the site for around 80 movies. Now almost 500 movies have been uploaded to the site. Now it’s one of the biggest streaming services for vintage films in Norway with a huge potential.
500+ movies
uploaded on the site
active users
This is a marketplace for services in Norway, Oslo. SASU provides fitness and beauty services at customer’s places.
We started working on SASU MVP in the beginning of 2021. Now we are working on the support part. The service is available only in Oslo, but we have laid the foundation for consistent development in other cities of Norway. It was a great challenging project in terms of building logic and development.
5 team members
worked on the site
1 full function MVP
with great potential
types of services provided
CAPA is the oldest and most competent media & entertainment company in cinema advertising, Norway.
The site provides several services in the biggest cinema chains in Norway: Canvas advertising, Events, Digital services, Conferences.
If you don't have a way to notify your participant about changes or quickly share an agenda, it could be a pain, but it's not if you have EventEye as a partner.
We helped to build a robust system that consists of mobile-app and Angular powered dashboard to manage the content.